Uber FARE in Drakes Branch - Calculate price of a uber ride in Drakes Branch

How to estimate the price of a uber ride in Drakes Branch in 2024 ?

  • City Uber Minimum Fare Base Fare Per KM Per Minute
    UberX Drakes Branch, United States UBERX $8 $2.55 $1.75 $0.35
    UberXL Drakes Branch, United States UBERXL $10.5 $3.85 $2.85 $0.5
    uberX + Car Seat Drakes Branch, United States uberX + Car Seat $8 $2.55 $1.75 $0.35
    UberBLACK Drakes Branch, United States UBERBLACK $15 $7 $3.75 $0.65
    UberSUV Drakes Branch, United States UBERSUV $25 $14 $4.5 $0.8
  • Uber Services Drakes Branch: Internet booking possible Drakes Branch, Airport shuttle price Drakes Branch, Train station transfer Uber price Drakes Branch, Uber Drakes Branch Airport transfer, Drakes Branch Uber cost train station, Drakes Branch Social Uber, , Medical transportation price Drakes Branch, Uber Drakes Branch in station, Airport Cab Uber Drakes Branch, Night Uber price Drakes Branch, Uber car 24h Drakes Branch, Uber price Drakes Branch 7 places

About Uber Fare Tool

  • This price estimate for uber is given for information and has been calculated in relation to rates of the state in 2024 year and depending on the items you have provided.
    Many parameters are not taken into account by this estimate:   
    Price Depend on hour of the ride, road traffic is more or less dense which can affect the price of the race.

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Uber Fare Tool

  • Welcome to the best prices directory of cabs and Uber car in Florida. On this page you can find uber cab prices for your city in Florida, and also other details such as fares, duration and location in Florida.
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    Use the calculator to know the price of your Uber Cab transport in Drakes Branch
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Uber fare in United States county of Florida

Important : These prices are provided for information only. All fares are provided for information only. The real price may differ from the one displayed on this page, so use this information with caution. Taxis-fare.com can not be held responsible for any prices errors.
A free Tool Similar to a taxi meter, Meter for Taxi , Uber and Lyft allows you to track how much you are paying as you ride in a ride sharing service such as Uber and Lyft as well as display Price and duration of ride in United States. Allows you to set custom fares.